Gratitude: Week 49

June 4, 2017

"You have no cause for anything but gratitude and joy." ~Buddha 

Gratitude: Week 49 (May 28 - June 3)

This year of gratitude has transformed me, from identifying all the wonder occurring in a day to uncovering grace in the ordinary. As I follow this path I cannot help but yearn to share it with my mother in law Jane considering the clarity I witnessed in the threshold of gratitude she conveyed. 

Jane's outlook always envisioned the good, even within heartache, she found laughter to ease the pain as she assumed her mask of bravery. Recently I ran a 5k where we dedicated our race to someone who battled cancer and their name was printed on our running bib, I dedicated this race to Jane.

Immersed in gratitude for almost one year has provided countless opportunities to unpack memories of Jane and others who uncover gratitude in the most unlikely places, and recognize that even when things are not going as planned there is still something to be grateful for. 

From the list...

Week 49: Things you like about summer


If you are just starting to follow  #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything

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