Gratitude - Week 35

February 26, 2017

"If light is in your heart you will find your way home" ~Rumi 

Week 35:  (February 19 - February 25)

Accepting a curious attitude to mindfulness has changed my perspective, although a grievance may still seep in like an open window, I slowly discover the ways to quiet that inner turmoil. Often times just a mindful breath can create enough awareness to shift the direction of my thoughts, awakening me to the present.

Like the scavenger hunts of childhood I notice the details with gratitude, each opportunity representing the curiosity I seek  to unravel, whether during a energizing run on a warm February day, or a quiet moment alone, wonder is scattered about when I explore the world with fresh eyes.

In order to build this connection I need to disconnect from the electronic world, slowly eliminating apps and notifications, sounds and alerts, and tuning in to the present. This reminder to focus is another achievement on my mindfulness journey, each intention sparking the curiosity that guides me.

Creating space from the idea of perfection and instead towards what moves me allows my interests to lead the way. A mindful evolution of change and guidance, another gift of gratitude. 

From the list...

Week 35: Your neighborhood

We have lived in our home for almost 24 years and I have always loved the balance of having space with the balance of community and that is what our neighborhood offers. A community of caring people that I have gotten to love and know.

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Week 2 Week 13 Week 24 Week 35 Week 46
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Week 4 Week 15 Week 26 Week 37 Week 48
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Week 6 Week 17 Week 28 Week 39 Week 50
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Week 8 Week 19 Week 30 Week 41 Week 52
Week 9 Week 20  Week 31 Week 42  
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