Year Of Focus: Week 20 - Clarity

May 12, 2024

“It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.” ― Steve Maraboli,

Year Of Focus: Week 20

Word of the Week: Clarity

  1. clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.

In today’s meditation I learned that the practice of yoga began as a way to prepare the body for meditation. It brought clarity to two of the activities I am focusing on in this season. In a world where we zone out, space out or freak out, these two grounding practices provide the clarity I need to be present. 

There’s an old saying that if you can’t find 10 minutes in the day to meditate, you should probably meditate for 20 minutes. In other words, if your life is so hectic that you can’t spend 10 minutes being mindful and present, then that’s probably a neon sign for you to push pause and reassess your priorities.

Clarity and mindfulness help us live in the present, instead of ruminating on the anger, envy, or frustrations of something that has already happened, or anxious thoughts of the future. Mindfulness has been nudging me more often on this path towards 60. It is the season to slow down and appreciate each moment in our day, bringing clarity to the present.  

May - Personal Development

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The Yamas & Niyamas Yoga/Hike Good Life Project
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