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  • February 3, 2011
    and photos of me for the 52 week project

    self portrait

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  • February 2, 2011
     Did you see this?  I so want to get smashed!

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  • February 1, 2011
    Well not for another 9 months or so, but it's official.  This morning I signed Chelsea and I up for the Chicago Marathon.  We are both so excited to be doing this with Jill and Jennifer!  Whoo hoo!
    So as we count down to Chicago I will keep running and we will have several races in between to help train and prepare us for the big day. And while I don't plan to run 100 miles every month, it was...

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  • January 31, 2011
    Week 4
    Wow these weeks are flying by! We are heading into February which leaves me one more day to reach my goal of 100 miles for January.  I didn't plan on 100 each month, but it seemed I was so close I had to at least try to get there.
    But this weeks challenge for me was about friendship. Not that having a friend is challenging, but it is challenging to keep them a part of your life.  You know...

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  • January 29, 2011
    February is the month of love...  
    And when I got the Work in Progress project kit I was tickled pink!  Since I love mini books I of course couldn't wait to play with all the fun stuff included in this kit.

    I made two mini books with this kit.  The first one was all about the envelopes, I covered the flaps with patterned paper, cut journaling squares to size and then added my pictures and embellishments.

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  • January 27, 2011
    Some mornings the last thing I want to do is head out the door into the freezing cold and go work out. Some mornings with as much planning as I do, I still forget my shoes or my ipod isn't charged, but I do it anyway.
    Some mornings I go to run but find out I should take the day off running and decide to take a spin class instead.  Being able to change up your routine is good for you and keeps things...

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  • January 25, 2011
    Week 4 - Challenge    
    As I go along another week finding ways to apply my word to my life it somehow seems to do it on its own.  When I chose the word it was for me to challenge myself in my running and in other parts of life, but it seems life has a way of challenging us even when we aren't looking for a challenge.
    And in between all those challenges you have to pursue your goal with the same...

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  • January 25, 2011

    What a sweet surprise to get a Stylish Blogger award from Laura.  Not only is it flattering to receive such awards, but its always fun to find new blogs that your will be inspired by.  As a part of this award you are to tell 8 things about yourself and then pass the award onto 8 other blogs.
    About me:
    I'm always working at ways to improve my running by doing interval runs or hill runsI can't...

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  • January 22, 2011
    my mojo that is!
    In the past I have always looked forward to January. When most people hated the fact that the holidays were over, I relished in the fact that I would have some down time (cold, winter weather) which caused me to stay in and scrap. But this January things were different.  I didn't have that same energy and excitement to scrap.
    It seemed a lot of family issues were holding me down...

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  • January 21, 2011
    I've been training for our upcoming half marathon, tho at this point in my running its more a matter of staying fit.  For me 3 miles used to feel like an accomplishment, now it's a minimum of 5 or more. And to think when I first started running, one mile was a major accomplishment.  So see, you have to start somewhere.
    My running began in November 2009 and in 2010 I ran 2 half marathons. This year...

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