A typical workout morning

January 27, 2011
  • Some mornings the last thing I want to do is head out the door into the freezing cold and go work out. 
  • Some mornings with as much planning as I do, I still forget my shoes or my ipod isn't charged, but I do it anyway.


  • Some mornings I go to run but find out I should take the day off running and decide to take a spin class instead.  Being able to change up your routine is good for you and keeps things interesting.


  • Finding a gym where the trainer makes working out fun is a bonus!! Even if he takes your camera, hands you a chicken and snaps pictures of you while working out...


  • Finding a gym you can enjoy with your whole family is great!
  • and finally coming home to a nice hot bowl of oatmeal is an awesome bonus!

So as the saying goes.... JUST DO IT



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