Training, planning and running

January 21, 2011

I've been training for our upcoming half marathon, tho at this point in my running its more a matter of staying fit.  For me 3 miles used to feel like an accomplishment, now it's a minimum of 5 or more. And to think when I first started running, one mile was a major accomplishment.  So see, you have to start somewhere.

My running began in November 2009 and in 2010 I ran 2 half marathons. This year I plan to run my first full marathon and I'm just as nervous as I am excited for it.  We already had to book our hotel and thank goodness we thought of that now!

Our first fitness challenge is the TACKLE THE TOWER which is February 5th downtown, so I've been trying to spend more time on the stairmaster.  The last time at Milts when I forgot my shoes I ended up going 175 floors in 40 minutes.

After that will be the Disney Princess half marathon!  Counting down to that one!  So exciting! Chelsea's costume arrived the other day, we just need to find the top and bottoms to go under it.


Now to figure out what I'm going to wear?


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