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  • June 30, 2009
     1.  1.  Not everything in life can be planned, some good things happen unplanned andsome  bad           things.
    2.  Those things that frustrate you the most are thethings you laugh the most about later
    3.  Don’t judge people according to their appearance
    4.  Dreams may become reality if you believe inyourself
    5.  The more I learn, the less I know
    6.  If you don’t...

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  • June 29, 2009
    I hope I get more time this week to work with my kit.  Here are some of the layouts I completed before leaving on vacation.




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  • June 26, 2009
    Today is my 45th birthday and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it then with my family on vacation on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina!

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  • June 25, 2009
    is how I would describe our Wednesday. 
    We woke up early (5:20) to head down to the beach to watch the sunrise.

    Then we headed into Savannah for the day

    When we returned to the island we went to a couple shops and checked out the Stoney-Baynard ruins

    then over the Aunt Childadas for dinner and back to the beach

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  • June 23, 2009
    So today was about the beach and the pool.  Starting our day at the beach, then heading over to the pool, went to the movies (the hangover for Joel and I and UP for the kids), then to Carrabba's for dinner and back to the beach at sunset.... another perfect day!

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  • June 23, 2009
    “Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.”

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  • June 21, 2009
    Our second day here, having a blast!  Hot weather, beaches and pools - perfect place to vacation!

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  • June 17, 2009
    Happy Birthday Zach!

    1.  He loves airsoft
    2.  loves to text
    3.  loves his braces, okay maybe not...
    4.  loves to laugh with his sister
    5.  loves that he is close with his cousins
    6.  loves to draw and is good at it

    7.  loves camping
    8.  loves his ipod, always listening to it in the car
    9.  loves to sleep

    10.  loves having sleep overs with friends
    11.  loves his...

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