Zach at 15...

September 8, 2009

  1. He loves his music, especially classic rock
  2. He is quiet and kind
  3. He has recently gotten a little mouthy (not my favorite stage)
  4. His laugh is contagious
  5. He loves all things related to camping
  6. He finds our old records make great decorations for his room
  7. He can stay up all night with his friends
  8. He loves Monster, Vault and crush
  9. He is a huge fan of Ramen noodles, taco bell and goldfish crackers
  10. He can never stay mad 
  11. He's nice to a fault... 
  12. He takes ribbing pretty well
  13. He's got braces
  14. He likes to wear shorts all year long
  15. He and his dad are buddies - I love that!
  16. He loves his dog
  17. He is compassionate and caring (even when no one is watching)
  18. He can eat anything and everything and not gain a pound
  19. He is an amazing artist
  20. He is my youngest child



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