Work in Progress March kit

March 1, 2010

I'd have to say this is one of my all time favorite Work in Progress kits!  I used the project kit which included the Cosmo Cricket Garden Variety paper, chipboard, stickers and two alphabets along with Jenni Bowlin papers and journaling cards.

My first thought when I got the kit was a recipe book, and I knew exactly what mini from my stash I was going to use.  {{The maya road chipboard recipe album with the acrylic stand}}

However, once I started playing it turned into a different project and these are the results...

IMG_0236 IMG_0238 IMG_0241 IMG_0242
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I'm just thrilled with how it turned out although I plan to still add a few embellishments to a few of the pages...

 I also completed two layouts which I will post another day... 


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