Work in Progress kit

August 28, 2010

Did you ever have a time when you found your mojo and everything crafty just seems to work? I've been going through one of those times these last few weeks...

Ever since I picked up my Work in Progress kit the ideas were coming to me so quickly I had to write them down because if I didn't I would get another idea and forget the last.  Well, that part may have to do with my age and memory?  As soon as I saw the stickers in the kit I began thinking mini book.  But not just one mini book, two or three different mini book ideas were coming to mind.  Here is one of the mini's

 A photo a month to cover 2009/10 school year of the kids

Front  September  October
        It was one of those kits that made me remember why I love scrapbooking.  With both the kids back in school it gave me time to reflect and be thankful.


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