Wine Tasting and friends...

October 11, 2007

The two will always go together and prove to be a fun source of entertainment as it did last night when Brenda, Stacey, Kim, my mom and I went to Main Street Cafe

Every Wednesday they have wine tasting.  You get 4 small wine glasses (that are absolutely adorable)then you pick from 6 pages of wines.  We decided to each pick 4 different wines and then take a sip and pass them around the table, this way we ended up trying many different kinds of wine.

We also ordered appetizers - so after one glass we would then split and appetizer and so on until we were out of wine, out of food and out of time...

Another one of those nights that I wished I'd brought my camera.  Well we plan to do it again - so I'll bring the camera then!


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