While I'm excited for the party

July 16, 2008

I'll be glad when I'm done "planning" for the party and can work on other things.

Like my kit from Work in Progress.  I was so excited to pick it up and laid out all the papers and embellishments, found some pictures and... there it sits in my scraproom, calling my name, knowing I won't be in there for at least a couple more days...

Here are pictures of the main kit and project kit

IMG_6697xxx project kit  August 08

Add on and a picture of just the papers in the main kit.

Ad on kit August 08 IMG_6698xxx

Otherwise we are counting down the days until the party.  At this point I have everything ordered and scheduled to be picked up.  Most of my craft projects are done or will be done in the next two evenings.  Yard work and drive way is completed as far as we had planned...


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