Weekend wrap up...

August 30, 2009

Great weekend, except for todays temperature... woah, who turned off the heat?  It sure did get cold outside!

I feel like I got a lot accomplished this weekend and that's always a good feeling.  From Friday night when I went to work out with Zach and came home with still enough energy to work some more on my scrapbook room AND finish playing with my projects for the September Work in Progress kit.  

Saturday morning I was up early and on my way to Mount Union where we met for breakfast at Bob Evans, checked out her new dorm, met her roommate and a friend from color guard.  We also did some shopping, of course...Zach declined going because of the early hour I was heading out... his first day to sleep in, he declared; so this time I didn't push it...



(before heading out to a party)

And today it was back to cleaning the scraproom, and the rest of the house for that matter.  Dug out my giant  Christmas project kit from Work in Progress from last year and I plan to see how many projects I can make with it. 

 Pictures of the first project will be up shortly...

Also ran 2.25 miles today!  Really pumped about that since I've been averaging the 1 to 1.25!


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