Weekend update

April 25, 2009

Had a long busy weekend and it's only Saturday...

Friday Chelsea came home and we went for a walk with the dog first thing in the morning, went to breakfast at Yours Truly and then did some shopping looking for shoes to match her dress for the wedding she's going to next weekend.  
Early in the week when we knew everyone would be home this weekend we planned a family dinner night out at Longhorn. 
It was a nice night out with a lot of laughs!

Saturday started with another early morning walk with the dog, Chelsea had a nail appointment and I had a pedicure, then off to do more shopping, meet up with Lisa and Buddha and then off to lunch at Panera.  Once we finished lunch we decided another walk/jog would be good, this time without the dog.

After Chelsea headed back to Kent is when Zach's evening began and he had a couple friends over and we ordered pizza for dinner.

I got a little scrapping time in and hope to do more tomorrow...


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