Vacation time over

August 22, 2011

Wow, what a crazy, eventful and fun summer I have had!  I had a great visit with my aunt and cousin both here, Cook Forest Pennsylvania and in California, several trips to Wisconsin, including two visits to Madison!  Such a great town that is!  Chicago, which is always a blast and of course a wonderful relaxing vacation with family in Hilton Head South Carolina.  


Madison Wisconsin
Hocking Hills


Cook Forest

Hilton Head

Hilton Head

San Francisco

In between I got to see some Indians games, run a couple half marathons and other races, hang out with friends...

And of course fit a summer class in there, for which I got an A!!  I was super excited when I found out that news while in San Francisco!

So besides for two races coming up, a half marathon in September and my full marathon in October, it sounds like my 2011 is going to start slowing down.  

Which makes me think just what can I plan for 2012?  

Jill and I are talking the possibility of a half marathon a month for 2012... anybody else start thinking into twenty twelve?


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