Unexpected Joy - Day 7

October 7, 2016

 "Discovering joy in the journey"

Watching her decline is difficult, the cruelty in the disease of dementia is heartbreaking but now is when I must step forward, savor each moment with her, even as it breaks my heart.

The summer slips away as another season of her life fades with it recalling a recent visit where she was overwhelmed and wanted to escape and now when she barely speaks and I am left devastated, with a constant wave of emotions to keep her safe yet watch her fall. 

Establishing joy in her days is what I need to do and taking her painting was a perfect start. I knew the choices would be overwhelming, like choosing her meals, so I walked the studio until I found the perfect piece that was simple, yet useful, something she would have chosen on her own if she could.

Encouraging her to hold the paint brush was a simple reminder and slowly she covered the piece with paint. Watching her I saw the transformation in her eyes, witnessing the therapeutic way she gently brushed on color. She was tranquil in each stroke and I sensed where worry stepped away and peace moved in.

A climate of warmth where sadness had dwelled illuminated in her eyes, uncovering a moment with purpose where I grasped an unexpected joy within the fabrics of pain, where loss is so apparent, but hope still shines.


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