Turkey trot

November 26, 2011

Ran the turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning with Milt and Kristen. We met over at Milts gym and headed over so those two could get registered, I had already registered online a few days prior. With Milt having smashed his left foot, leaving it bruised and my left foot bothering me, we thought we would make one good runner out of the two of us.

So many people throughout Hinckley knew Milt and Kristen and I continued walking towards the start, knowing we had the car keys and Milt would catch up, and that he did.


It was actually quite comical as we joked the entire way there, while there and at the start.  Including up the the time where Milt was going to lose his running pants and just wear shorts. He started taking off shoes and the start gun went off... he got his shoe back on and we were off... running pants and all...

Milt can usually run 3 miles in 21 minutes, but with his sore foot, and hanging with us he finished in 27, Kristen was 30 and I was 32... not bad since I haven't run those hills since training for Chicago! And it felt so good I headed back out the next day to run another 6!

That leaves 36 miles to reach 1000 miles for year!


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