Thursday Thirteen

July 22, 2009


13 Ways to a healthier me!!

  1.  Running a mile - I did my first of many yesterday!!!!
  2.  Eating healthy meals
  3.  Keeping healthy foods in the house (not hard with Chelsea home!)IMG_5880
  4.  Having a daughter that is studying nutrition that motivates me
  5.  Increasing time on the stair master (an on going goal!)
  6.  Continue to follow Milts work outs
  7.  Always educating myself on diet and exercise
  8.  My new Asics shoes Joel got me
  9.  Good music on the ipod (Rob Thomas)
  10.  Choosing fruit over hash browns (like at breakfast this morning)IMG00078
  11.  Wheat not white
  12.  Implementing those trainer tips from Stephen, Milt and Stephanie
  13.  Having a positive attitude towards people and life!



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