this blogging thing can get costly

January 15, 2008

I won the stamps from Kelli Crowe and then seen the way to organize the acrylics at the Work in Progress blog and needed to buy the Target clear CD cases

After running out over the weekend and buying some cool scrap things from here and here. I then seen a link to classes at Big Picture Scrapbooking and I had to sign up for the class Organized and Inspired (like the book, which thankfully I already own!)  Then to get supplies for another Big Picture class I had to go to to get some of the suppllies.

Then in order to have plenty of pictures for my scrapbooking weekend I had to visit Scrapbook pictures and found out they were have a 12 cent print sale so I ordered lots of cool prints!

Including some of these cool pictures I can't wait to scrap in 8 X 12



Then I checked out Christine's blog and found out about this cool magazine called Home Companion and had to subscribe!

I better get off this computer now!


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