Thirteen summertime favs so far...

July 16, 2009


  • So far it has been a cool summer, which leads to not too much swimming going on and our first trip to Dairy Queen in the middle of July.
Though I think Shaggy got more ice cream than any of us...

  •  Zach and I did some shopping together and then headed over to Pizza Hut for dinner. 
  • Working out with Milt and loving it!  It's become a family affair with both Zach and Joel going now too.
  • Of course our Hilton Head Vacation

  • Going away party for Tony - though I don't like the going away part...
  • The swimming dog
  • The outdoor visitors
  • Celebrating Zach's birthday at Corkscrew Saloon - We laughed so hard that night!

  • Founder's day play

  • Teaching the dog how to get out of the pool on his own

  • Baby elephants

  • State track meets

  • Weddings!!!


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