Things to do...

February 8, 2008

For Saturday February 9th

Do you think I'll get it all done???  I'll try and mark my progress as the day progresses...

Clean bathroom

  • Wash down walls and cabinets
  • vacuum and wash floor
  • clean fan
  • clean sink, toilet and tub

Clean kitchen

  • go through paperwork
  • declutter counters
  • go through cabinets and drawers
  • clean out frig and wipe down
  • wash floor
  • clear off islands
  • wash kitchen throw rugs

Dinning room

  • finish putting away snowmen
  • dust
  • vacuum rug and wash wood floor


  • clear out cabinets
  • put away clothes
  • clean out closet
  • dust furniture
  • vacuum


  • Vacuum rug and wash wood floor


  • Wash walls
  • clean light fixtures
  • vacuum


  • Make dinner

finish painting trim in barn


  • work on picture organization/still haven't found my system
  • go through and weed out old things that I no longer want
  • vacuum


Time to play...

  • played...


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