The weekend

September 15, 2008

came and went quickly...

But at least Chelsea came home for a little while on Sunday.  We had lunch, shared some tears, shopping and lots of laughing!  I love this relationship we have!  We got Chelsea her Uggs, and they looked so cute on her - but I'll have to wait on mine.  She needs them more for walking the campus during the winter months.

I'm trying to learn to deal with her being gone and not turning to worry when I don't hear from her.  Especially when someone asks if I've talked to her and I hadn't in a while which puts me into a panic!!  With so many tragedies in our lives, I just worry... and know that we are not immune to more!

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I didn't get too many pictures during the game on Saturday. I just brought my little camera in the stadium and between the rain and everyone's umbrella's the shots weren't so great...

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And so we begin a new week:

  • Monday - poor Zach needs to go in for another round of blood work... insert more worry here
  • Tuesday - lunch with Chelsea, hair cuts
  • Wednesday - In memory of Joe
  • Thursday - Party light
  • Friday - Camping


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