Sunday seven on Wednesday

November 27, 2007

Found this blog with 7 questions every sunday and thought I would try some of them.

Name your top seven television icons.  This was tough...

My answers:

  1.  Oprah Winfrey
  2. Johnny Carson
  3. James Gandolfini
  4. George Clooney
  5. Ellen Degeneres
  6. Sarah Jessica Parker
  7. Michael Landon


Things on my mind...

  • Figure out what's left to get done on my Christmas list
  • finish up some of these gift projects I've gotten started
  • Finish papers to send out for toy drive
  • start Christmas cards
  • Finish decorating - yes, there is still more!
  • sad that Bryan got voted off Biggest Loser
  • excited for class this coming weekend
  • Trying to get into the book Three cups of tea
  • need something more to read


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