Summertime blogging

August 8, 2010

Why is it that I start out the summer with the best of blogging intentions, but somehow time gets away from me and we are outdoors or away more than those cold winter days ahead.  But whatever the reason I've been a bad blogger and I can't even say its going to change until at least school is back in session, which is coming sooner than I want!

Plus with my camera broken I don't get the pictures that I'm used to taking, I barely get any pictures and that is definitely not good for my project life!

As for our last few weeks of summer... last weekend we went bowling on Sunday with the family! It was a fun way to spend some time together and we found that Joel and Zach are the best bowlers of our group!

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 The only proof of Joel being there is a shot with him sticking his tongue out!  Or the shot of our scores... which is nothing to brag about!  But oh what fun we had!

and here another whole week has gone by since we had this fun! 



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