Spring break

March 26, 2009

For months we've been trying to get together with Sam and Tasha, and finally, last night we were able to meet for dinner.

We met at Applebees and spent the next couple hours catching up and doing lots of laughing! It was a fun night and I'm looking forward to our next get together...

Chel and I also did some more shopping on Tuesday, after her doctor appointment. We shopped at two malls looking for a dress, found it at our first stop but had them hold it till we looked elsewhere.

Coming up... although I'm not sure Zach is too thrilled with me since, I scheduled his braces to be put on during his spring break in April?  I don't think he will be as excited as Chel was to change colors of the bands during each visit, but we'll see?

Looking forward to a busy weekend too, with a family night out tonight, movies on Friday (Monster's vs Aliens) and a visit with Phil and Amy from the biggest loser on Saturday plus another crop with Trish!   Hoping after dinner tonight I can get some pages planned for the crop.


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