Small changes

January 7, 2015

can lead to many life changing transformations...

Twelve years ago today I quit smoking, something even I did not think I could do and I'm sure many others who were aware of my bad habit grew doubtful  of this undertaking.


I read as much as I could on the subject, talked to many people, and finally set a date or two. It was really last minute when I decided to quit for good and I almost back peddled to change the date...

But suddenly here i was 1 hour later, then 10, then days, weeks and even months passed. I counted them all, I tracked my progress and I looked to see how my health was improving, even the smallest of details.


Eight months later my brother Joe was rushed to the hospital after suffering his second aneurysm. We spent three weeks at Metro hospital and I joined all the other smokers outdoors as we were sharing our concern, however something kept me from sharing a cigarette with the group? Was it something Joe had said that inspired me? I knew when he came out of this I didn't want to let him down by going back to smoking.  

Joe died, and suddenly I wanted to run outside screaming, grab a pack of cigarettes and give it all up! But again, something stopped me, and even 12 years later, I'm not sure what it was?

Through the years my life and health has improved tremendously. A flight of stairs once took my breath away, but since quiting I ran a marathon and countless half marathons, constantly trying to improve myself.

Things taste better and I can count on one hand how many times I've been sick in those 12 years, unlike the constant cold and flu that plagued me endlessly when I did smoke.

Take a chance, make a change, there is so much awaiting you...




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