
November 24, 2014

There is nothing my sister wouldn't do for me...

In August 2013 my sister had a tumor the size of a tennis ball removed from her brain. If you were one of the many that knew her before this, you were blessed to know this amazing, gifted and giving women that we are trying to get back. For those that didn't know her, let me enlighten you.


In my life, she was my biggest fan, always enchanted with my accomplishments, at times leaving me humbled by the attention she drew, yet devistated by my heartaches, as if they were her own, she was always ready to protect me.


Raising our children, combining birthday celebrations, as we crafted each detail, we had a blast. Thursday became our lunch and shopping day, always making sure we had that day off work, there was always something to do.

Prepared with lists and ideas we went in search of  our next decorating, or crafting project. Sharing our time with so many mutual friends, we were doubly blessed.


When I began submitted my work to magazines, she was my cheerleader, encouraging me along the way. Once the magazine notified me of being chosen she shrieked with delight. When the Christmas magazine came out and my project was on the cover, we went together in search of it. Once found she commenced to tell every person that came near us in the store that I was on the cover while I blushed at the attention.


Like a mother, she filled in whenever needed my entire life. During those teenage years, she was the informant to our parents, worried for our safety, as she does today with her boys. Throughout our adult life she has been there with advice or just to listen. During any rough time in my life, she was there, supporting me in ways I never imagined. Helping me find my way again and ready to step in to help.


Her improvement since the brain tumor was removed is slow. But there is brightness that shines in  reminding us of her wit, humor and caring ways. Like a child discovering new things, it is always a highlight in my day when she remembers another detail.


And so when someone comments on what a great sister I am I can't help but remember what a great sister she was and know that if the tables were turned, she would be standing right next to me...



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