Running with Dean Karnazes

April 22, 2011

Something I had been looking forward to since I heard of his Running with Regis and Kelly and heading into Springfield Ohio. Chelsea and I signed up right away since we've both been a fan of Dean's for a while now. Especially since reading one of his books... can you say inspiration?

We had recently been in Columbus to run the 10 mile race and just love visiting that area.  This race was a little outside of Columbus but were weren't planning on an overnight stay.

Counting down to the race Chelsea finds out an exam she has to take was now moved to that day. She asked the teacher if she could take it another day but that was not an option. So now the decision was am I going to do this race by myself? The race alone wasn't an issue, but the almost 3 hour drive each way alone was a question... could I get a book on tape to pass the time alone in the car? While I was preparing myself for the drive alone my sweet son offered to go with me. Mind you he would not run the event, but he would drive with me. For a price of course... which usually involves food...

We headed out at 5:30 am and I probably still should have gotten that book on tape since the majority of the way the boy slept, lol.  But that was okay - I was glad he dedicated a day of his spring break to something I wanted to do.

We arrived in plenty of time to get our packets (mine and Chelsea's) hit the restroom and wait for Dean's arrival.


He arrived a bit late, but can you blame a guy that's running 50+ miles a day? He had a lot to chat about including how much he eats on an average day... yes I said DAY  

 sorry for the turned video - I thought it turned with you like the iphone pictures do

I did my best time and even ran in front of Dean, even though he joked that nobody should pass him! I think this 3 miles is a leisurely run for him. They said he usually gets up and runs 15 or so before one of these 5k's - can you imagine!

It was a great race! I'm glad I went and I'm so thrilled that my son went with me! 

Oh and my time 27:31



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