
December 26, 2007

or goals as some would say...

I've been thinking about this a lot lately.  Things I want to change about me, about my life.  Not just the usual "lose weight" (although it is on my list).  I want to work on things that will make a better me as a wife, mother, friend.  What things come to mind when I think of this?

  1. Talk less, listen more
  2. scheduling more time out with mom, Deb and friends (luncheons, movies, etc.)
  3. plan meals for the week
  4. exercise or walk daily
  5. read something everyday - I used to be really good at this one, but lately I've fallen out of the habit.
  6. Get more organized in many aspects of my life
  7. Work on paying down debt (which goes with 8)
  8. Spending freeze on scrapbooking supplies (unless pages completed) - come up with plan of pages completed for earning spending $'s
  9. Learn something new...Example: Recently while listening to Joel and Tony talk I learned about the United Arab Emirates and all the things they are building - Now before this conversation, I didn't even know they existed...
  10. Daily gratitude journal (online and or in journals)


to be continued...


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