Reading and other good things

April 30, 2008

Not getting too many projects done, though I am getting some reading done.  I started the book Five things I can't live without by Holly Shumas. Its one of those books that you like from the moment you start reading.  Needless to say, I'm half way done.

I also finished up some work for my friend Debbie in Michigan for her store so that's one thing to check off my list.  As for scrapping...nothing!  And I so need to start planning for Saturday.  I do so much better when I have a plan. Since today is early release maybe I'll get more accomplished.

IMG_2395IMG_2397 The little suitcases I ordered from Paper Source came yesterday and Oh my gosh how freakin cute they are!!! 

Deb and I plan on giving a set to my mom for her birthday and Mother's Day which are just days apart.  We also got her Jersey Boys tickets and did her bus trip in March.


Tomorrow Chelsea leaves for New York City, we are still getting her things packed and organized.  She was told to make a sign for the Today Show on Sunday morning.  They are also going to two Broadway shows, Walls Street, Ellis Island, Trump Tower and tour NBC studio.  Last time she went she met David Spade and some of the Saturday Night Live cast.  They keep them busy from day to night and she usually comes home exhausted!

The calendar is filling up quickly and I can already see that May is going to be a busy month!


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