I'm learning to put things into perspective... well, at least I'm trying to learn. Yesterday I had a really rough day. With all the problems we are having with an ex tenant in our rental property, plus all the work that still needs to be done on them and all the money that we've used to complete this work and make the mortgage. Its been tough to say the least and a lot of times I stress over it, I mean a lot! Sometimes it can consume me.
But yesterday I decided I can't do this anymore. Let's put this into perspective of our daily lives. After all the loss in my family from my son, father and brother... this little problem with rentals in trivial to say the least. This is such a small piece of the puzzle of our daily lives that I need to take one day at a time and be thankful for each day I have with my family.
Which thank goodness for friends, because they were the help I needed to get me to this point! We went out to dinner last night for my best friend of over 25 years Lisa's birthday. Not only is she my friend, but I tease her because she has become my resident psychologist. She is the true leader of showing how to put things into perspective.
So the 6 of us went out to a place called Vhooda's for dinner. It was a perfect night and we ate outside on the patio where it seemed half of Middleburg Heights was at the time. The excitement was intoxicating as everyone watched the Indians playing the New York Yankees. As we all enjoyed each others company we also cheered with the crowd as each run was added. With a couple glasses of wine, 5 girlfriends, a beautiful October evening and the Indians winning the first game in the series... who could ask for a better night to learn to put things into perspective.
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