Prom night and more

May 10, 2008

Chelsea and Ben had a blast at their prom although last night they were going to go to after prom but ended up too tired and just came back here and fell asleep.  I haven't uploaded Chelsea's pictures yet but did finished all those that I took.

After the kids went to prom my sister, mom, Jane, Rich and Rose went to dinner at Applebee's.  We had such a nice time chatting and laughing about everything, such a fun group to spend the evening with. By the time we got back to the house Joel was at the school picking up Zach from his Philadelphia trip which as I figured he didn't get many pictures, although he says he had a great time.

So now life goes back to normal or as normal as it can be with a child finishing school in 10 days!  We have a top scholar dessert banquet to attend next week for Chelsea and her career center graduation is the following week, with the High School graduation the week after that!

Okay so I guess normal isn't the right word???

More prom picture overload!  Her dress was by far my favorite ever!!!

prom 5 prom 15

IMG_2560  prom 55

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