Only two more days

April 10, 2008

of Zach's spring break - well then of course the weekend too...

Today we are going to do something together, either bowling or a movie we haven't yet decided.


At last Saturday's Archiver's crop I was the final winner of the drawings that night and here is what I won, the Fiskars alphabet stamps! 

It's a pretty cool alphabet


We watched The last lecture on Prime time last night and I also ordered his book.  What a moving story and so much to learn from this amazing man.  We recorded it so Chelsea could watch it since she had to work late last night.



I also got my uppercase living order last night and I'm so excited to start hanging more words around my house, and getting everyone else there stuff too! I got everyone's orders ready to go.


So needless to say I didn't get any scrapping time in yesterday, but there's always today after Zach and I get back for the day...


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