One little word captured

February 16, 2011


Ahh here I am, late getting to my one little word.  It seems every week my word relates mostly to working out and running and well to be honest, that was my intention when I first chose the word.  I want to challenge myself both physically and mentally as much as possible.  I have goals I want to reach with running, with weight - ugh yeah that one is always a challenge

and so this morning when my body was aching from the last couple days of challenges

  • running 13 miles
  • weight training with Chelsea - killer!
  • 3 mile hill run
  • 100 floors on the stepper with Milt

The last thing I wanted to do was get up and go take another class.  My legs ached to walk, to sit down, what could possibly happen if I take another class?


But I made myself go and I'm here to tell you I feel better after doing the class, although I'm still a bit sore it's not as bad as I felt this morning.  

It's a great feeling to accomplish something you didn't think you could do!

You can find more one little word captured here on Jill's blog


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