No camping this weekend

June 27, 2008

We've had these plans for months and yet it just didn't seem to work out for us.  It was going to be the Florida crew all camping for the weekend, it was going to be a blast.

But then these storms just kept coming and coming and the forecast was for MORE STORMS and we decided it just wasn't worth being cooped up in the trailer for the weekend during all these storms.  Luckily they let us move our reservations to another time in August.

So tonight I finished up projects....

  • My I wish album that I did at the end of May
  • The pages of the I wish album for my aunt
  • got the album for my aunt wrapped and in a box to ship
  • cut up gift certificates and got ready to mail to Michigan
  • cleaned up my scraproom - re arranged some things and Joel hung a shelf for me
  • tried out my new lens!  I love it!IMG_3585

can't wait to play some more with it!








Tomorrow I'm hoping to check out the local farmers market in the morning since I figured I would miss it because of camping?


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