New things in 2009

January 3, 2009

Yesterday my mom, Chelsea and I were heading up to Metro Hospital to take up the games system and the extra cash.  I wanted to get some pictures of everything before we left.  I ended up getting the game system that included a couple of games along with an extra controller, 2 more games and the scene it game for 4 people.  Then we went to Things remembered and had a plate engraved saying donated in memory of Ryan...

When I went to get a close up picture of the engraved plate my camera started acting up?  At first I thought it was the strap hanging down so I adjusted that, it still would leave a black line across the whole bottom of the picture.Then I tried changing the lens, went to auto, but no matter what I did I couldn't get rid of that black line. I couldn't believe there was a problem with my camera?
IMG_6269  IMG_6275  IMG_6280

Just the day before I had been talking to Joel about getting the 40D since the price has been dropping with the release of the 5D.  Who knew I'd be going to look at it the next day.

I took my camera in for repair and while I was there I picked up the 40D!  I just began playing but I can't believe how much more I can do with this camera.  We are going to find out what the repairs cost and if its within a reasonable amount I will have the camera repaired for Chelsea.
They looked up the receipt for me and found that I purchased the rebel in 04 and it cost more than what the 40D cost today!


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