And I continue to find ways to challenge myself. When we talked about Parasailing, I talked more about the kids doing it, and then while watching I thought, why not? But for some reason Zach wasn't up to it, so it turned out to be Chelsea, Ben and I.
We had to book it a couple nights before, and decided that a morning "flight" would be a good idea. We got up early and headed out to "Flamingo's donuts" a place where Chelsea found that they make your donuts to order, with all kinds of specialty ones. Too cute and oh my, awesome donuts!
Facing my fears has been a huge challenge, with huge rewards and confidence building. After losing Ryan I have always lived in a world of doubt. That if something bad was going to happen, it would happen to me, or my family. And for many years it seemed I was right, I mean who else has lost their son, father, brother and cousin so premature. But over the past few years, and especially this year I decided I needed to live my life, challenge myself and take chances, even when fear was involved.... bring on the parasailing
oh yes and getting dipped in the salty water
Awesome day, would definitely do it again!
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