My weekend plans

August 18, 2007

consist of scrapbooking!  I already planned out quite a few pages... now lets just see if I finish them all?  I decided to work on Christmas and I'll throw in some others in case I get tired of that. 

It never fails though, I always take way too much stuff!  Why is it we think we can accomlish so much more?  Maybe I need some sketches to help me plan things through?

Either way - I'm looking forward to the afternoon/evening  and hopefully I"ll also have some time on Sunday morning to continue.

Saddly it was supposed to be a weekend for Deb and I to scrap but Gordon's father passed away so they are on their way to Texas for the services.  I guess we'll just have to get another time planned together, and with school starting back we can plan some week days too.


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