Making a list

December 10, 2009

and checking it twice...


I'm not usually a list maker, it seems I have the best of intentions but never seem to go back to them once I write them.  Except during this time of the year, I have to have lists to refer too.  Crafts/Gifts I'm working on, cookies made, gifts wrapped.  Some get their own lists.  Shopping lists for gifts, shopping lists for groceries, crafts I want to do, did or are done...

Including all the ordinary holiday stuff, I'm trying to also write things down so I can work in my December Daily when I find some "free" time.

My current lists include the following:

  1. Bake cookies (done)
  2. Make gift for mom (done)
  3. get gifts for weekend ready
  4. take pictures for December daily and Journal your Christmas
  5. clean house (never ending)
  6. Christmas shopping - about 85% done!
  7. Check out Petitis! (found an adorable gift)


We didn't go to Michigan this year, so I got my cookies done earlier than I have in years. The weather seemed pretty unsure for us to make the drive and at this time of the year with all of us having each day packed with things to do, we couldn't afford to get stuck in Michigan an extra day.  Hopefully one day next week we can squeeze in a day trip to Michigan? 

Here's to another productive day tomorrow!


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