Looking back

June 19, 2010

on the memory of the dance we shared....

Found some more old pictures.  Love how they can bring back fond memories of those days gone by.


 Father's Day many years ago!  I noticed my parents were just building their deck, you can see the wood in the background!  Pictured  Uncle Gordon, Chelsea, Dad, Shawn and Joel and Ryan.  (nobody liked my dad with that beard)

Now the deck is built... 

Zach, Joel, me, Joe (with his dogs), mom, Rob, Mimi, Mackenzie, Shawn, Deb, Chelsea, Gordon and Cameron 

Gordon must be taking this picture!

  Joel's gram, Brett, Chelsea, Bryan and Ryan!

It's bittersweet looking back at old pictures.  Remembering fun times from days gone by, but then remembering those you have lost along the way.  How the kids have grown and how life has changed along the way.


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