List Maker

May 29, 2009

Are you a list maker?  I used to be, but not a paper one, it has to be typed out or on the computer.  I just can't write a list anymore... weird, I know?  but haven't been as good at it lately and I find I'm not getting as much accomplished, maybe its too much time on the computer doing other things... but anyhoo

My sister is a list writer, always has been and she seems to get a lot accomplished.  So while I'm not a good list writer on paper, I seem to do pretty good here when I post and get to cross things off.

So here goes my weekend plans or what I hope to accomplish:

  • clean scraproom
  • complete some layouts/journaling
  • vacuum kitchen rugs
  • vacuum family room
  • paint nails
  • work out with chels
  • weed and plant in yard
  • clean garage
  • start garage sale pile
  • laundry... oh my this should count as two!
  • Wedding
  • work on Chelsea's bedroom and bath
  • put together things for ebay

check out these sites about list making  Dot moms, Psychology today,

the art of list making

Better begin to tackle my list...


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