Last night was the start

October 3, 2008

Of my busy weekend. 

It began at the Buckeye Homecoming Parade in which both of my nephews and sister were a part of and Zach of course, wanted to attend with his friends.  It is rare that I get a good picture of Zach and his friends, but I was pleasantly surprised with this shot.


And while I did get Debbie and Shawn going by in the trucks, by the time Cameron was coming by with the band we already had to leave to get over to Renee's for the jewelry party.  We had a good time over Renee's where I made a bracelet and matching earrings with my left over pieces.

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  • Tonight... Buckeye Homecoming football game
  • tomorrow is Kent State vs Akron game
  • Homecoming for Zach (his first High School dance)
  • Try getting all the cousins together for pictures
  • Chelsea, Joel and I are heading to an annual bonfire at his cousins 
  • ending the weekend by a visit to the pumpkin patch on Sunday morning


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