January 7th already

January 7, 2008

Still sore from my class on Saturday! The kids went back to school today and it was a good and bad thing.  Good because I need to get back to a better routine. Bad because I enjoy having them home and not having a routine.  But... it is what it is...

Quiet Sunday for me I did some cleaning and ran a few errands, but all in all I didn't get a lot accomplished.  Why is it I always feel like if I don't get a lot done then I wasn't productive?  Something I'll have to work on?

It's unseasonably warm today - I must document this - the 60's in January?

Today is my day for my random act for Ryan - When I get my coffee or Peppermint Mocha today I will leave an extra$5 for the person behind me.

I was so saddened to hear about Christine Middlecamps husband.  Now I don't know her personally, I  started reading her blog after I'd seen and fell in love with her scrapbooking talents.  It is then when I learned of what she's been going through. 


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