It's been one of those good news/bad news days...

January 31, 2008
  • The good news...

The LOST season premier is tonight! 

More Jack and Sawyer!!!!!!!!! 


  • The bad news...

Tom wasn't able to start on my family room today

  • The good news...

Chelsea made Honor roll AGAIN!!!

  • The bad news...

I think I'm coming down with a cold... not feeling so good

  • The good news...

I found some cool old pictures that I scanned to make copies of

Joe%20and%20Tina%2012-24-96_thumb%5B3%5D Wallace%20family%20picture_thumb%5B2%5D.

This is one of my favorite pictures of my brother Joe that we lost and me and the other one is my mom, myself, dad, Rob and Joe many years ago - (Debbie must have taken this picture)


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