How can I describe my weekend

May 31, 2009

I got a lot done, and did a lot of things.  So I would call that a good weekend.  And I think my list in the post below made a difference in getting things accomplished.

clean scraproom complete some layouts/journaling vacuum kitchen rugs vacuum family room paint nails work out with chels weed and plant in yard clean garage start garage sale pile laundry... oh my this should count as two! Wedding work on Chelsea's bedroom and bath put together things for ebay
Stacey, Mom, Kim, Deb and I at Katie's wedding

Ben and Chelsea before going out
We did some work in the yard, got some plants out, went for a bike ride both Saturday and Sunday, and went to a wedding Saturday night.
While working in the yard Zach helped out hauling away all the branches and in his trips back and forth across the yard he found a forgotten Easter egg that still had a dollar in it.  So it pays to help out in the yard!


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