Heeeeelllllllllllloooooo iphone...

February 11, 2011

And so the days went by as I coveted the thought of one day owning an iphone.  Then the big announcement that FINALLY verizon was getting the iphone!  I stopped into Verizon because I'm not one of those camp outside to get a great deal type of people.  I'll just wait...  

Wait... what did you say? Existing customers can pre-order the iphone... tada... we are going home and doing that RIGHT now!

And then before the 10th... before the day of release I received notification that my iphone had been shipped!

I had it shipped to the office and Lisa had threatened to hold it for ransome....

Ahh yes, I think it is love

I am learning new things every day and loving my phone more each day...

Whole foods captured on my iphone!

Oh yeah, there's an app for that!


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