Having Fun with Flickr Mosaics

February 27, 2008

I love using the flickr program to organize my pictures. You can make sets, tags, collections, etc and then when you want to make a mosaic or some other fun project its easy to put together. I tagged some pictures of Terry, since he LOVES when I take pictures of him and put them together in a mosaic. Not all of these were taken by me and I'm missing some of the best ones I'll have to add to another mosaic on another day... what do you think Terry???


1. 420, 2. 415, 3. Florida Trip 2208 415, 4. Florida Trip 2208 283, 5. Florida Trip 2208 414, 6. Florida Trip 2208 241, 7. Florida Trip 2208 184, 8. Florida Trip 2208 233, 9. Florida Trip 2208 192, 10. 380, 11. 291, 12. 295, 13. 273, 14. 262, 15. 268, 16. 232, 17. 226, 18. 228, 19. 227, 20. 231, 21. 218, 22. 190, 23. 169, 24. 174, 25. 131


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