Happy Mother's Day

May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!  We are off for a day of fun!


 Friday we headed out early in the morning to go to the Great Lakes Mega Meet in Novi Michigan.  We talked and laughed as Amy -the GPS, led the way to Michigan.  It rained most of the way down there, but decided to pour the moment we got there and were walking to the building!

We had a blast as we cruised up and down the aisles to check out all the scrapbooking goods and ideas!

like this adorable coffee mug album! 

and we fell in love with all the cute ideas by Darcie 

be sure to check out her freebie for Mother's Day!

On the way back the GPS now known as Evil Amy took us to Scrappy Chic, a cute cute store we will definitely be going back to.

The drive home was treacherous.... with the rain beating on the windshield and the lightening blinding my way... but once we made it through the storm things immediately got better!

Thanks to Trish, Amy, MaryAnn and evil Amy for a great day!


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