Happy 24th Birthday Chelsea

March 6, 2014

Oh my! Where did the years go? My daughter, my friend, my running partner. You have saved me  through some of the roughest times in my life, brought me to tears with your bravery and constantly make me laugh.

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We shop together, work out together and even take care of family together


You have brightened our life from the moment you were born, which was at exactly 7am, kind of explains your always being up so early!


You make us proud with all you've accomplished and all you hope to do

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 you've gone off on adventures from New York to Wisconsin, San Diego to San Francisco and many places in between


What fun you've brought us all with your caring, compassionate, energetic self. Lighting up a room when you enter it, just by being you!







 So happy birthday Chelsea, may your day be as wonderful as you are!



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