Getting things done...

April 5, 2009

Finally spending some time getting things cleaned out around here.  Maybe it's the weather or maybe its the fact that for the first time ever someone else is coming to clean my house for me next week, and I can't help but look forward to that.

Cleaning has been the priority of my weekend along with some reading.  I finished The book thief and wow talk about a tear jerker!  I just started reading Always looking up by Michael J Fox (The adventures of an incurable optimist), and have several other books that I need to get to on my ever growing book list.

With the sun shinning yesterday I also had to get the dog out to enjoy the weather too We went out to a park in Medina and for as nice of a day as it was, it wasn't so busy?
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Lots of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks...  On Thursday Zach goes in for his braces, although I'm sure he's not to thrilled about it.  On Saturday we are going to the Indians game and Sunday of course being Easter.

Then the following week Chelsea will be heading out to California to stay with my cousin for a long weekend of work outs, sight seeing and I'm sure fun.  And I know she's ready for California, but is California ready for her?  She's been thinking of changing her major and since Stephen is a personal trainer and been working with her via online, when the opportunity came up, we thought timing couldn't have been better. I'm really excited for her!  Who knew Jen would be heading to California the same day, and also be on her flight, we just figured this out on

And so with my scraproom cleaned up, laundry going and the house ready to be cleaned I think its time for me to head into my scraproom and play!


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